Accidents at Work

Despite precautions and safety gear, accidents at workplaces do occur. Injuries caused, vary in range from minor scratches to broken bones, burns, amputations and sometimes fatality. Claims for the following work injuries can be made:

  • Minor injuries (sprains, strains, burns)
  • Chronic Injuries (injuries due to lack of ergonomics – stiff back and neck, repetitive strain injury (RSI), spine and neck injuries. 
  • Serious Injuries (broken bones, fractures, crush injuries)
  • Psychological injuries at work (mental stress, depression)
  • Assault at work 
  • Industrial disease or work-related illness 
  • Life-changing or catastrophic injuries (brain injuries or amputations)
  • Injuries to Armed Forces (breaches in health and safety)

Fatal Injuries at Work

If the employer is liable, the dependents of the employee (now deceased) can file for a case of fatal injuries at work.

Likewise, dependants of employees that passed away due to work-related disease (asbestos or mesothelioma) can claim compensation as well even if the disease is diagnosed post mortem. 

When to claim for Accident & Injury at work?

As this falls under the category of personal injury it has the same time limit – 3 years from the date of the injury. Because of this limited time frame. You must seek legal advice. Royce Legal personal injury solicitors can help provide guidance and build your application. Family members can call on the employees’ behalf to claim if he is currently recovering from an injury at the workplace.